Novel series
From The Rio De La Plata To The Cordilleras Book I
From The Rio De La Plata To The Cordilleras Book I
Paperback und Kindle Ebook Karl May Translations Part 1 of 2 Number of pages 399 Authors: KARL MAY, TRANSLATED BY MARLIES BUGMANN
When Charley arrives in Montevideo he receives a visit by a peculiar gentleman. The mystery deepens when he realizes that the man is confusing him with someone else—a VIP in Uruguayan politics. The country is in turmoil and a rebellion is in the making. He comes face to face with Lopez Jordan after having been ambushed and dragged in fetters to the head quarters of the feared rebel leader. Charley faces execution and the situation is becoming very uncomfortable for him and his friends, Frick Turnerstick, the Friesian helmsman, Brother Jaguar, as well as the estanciero and his brother, the yerbatero with his men.
ISBN 978-1-07825-807-4
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